Saturday, January 30, 2010

FLY Bake Sale today!

If you're looking to get out and about today, despite the wintry weather bearing down on us, you simply must stop in at 2021 MLK Jr. Avenue in Anacostia to support some motivated young women. What will you find there?

Well, FLY (Facilitating Leadership in Youth) is hosting a bake sale to raise funds to cover the cost of the various workshops they participate in and a Debutante Ball that takes place in June, at the conclusion of their 9 month program.

So head on over from 12-3pm today and get some tasty baked goods...especially with this cold weather upon us!

To learn more about FLY, please visit their website or their Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting!! :) We are planning to hold another Bake Sale and Fish Fry on February 12th-- more details to come. Despite the snow last Saturday, we still raised $60!!

