Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowmageddon Fallout...

Well, I think I am still on planet Earth...crazy drifts, buried cars outside but all seems Earthly enough. Sunday afternoon, I got out to evaluate the situation post-Snowmageddon. I had been calling that storm Snowpocalypse but apparently that was the name of our Dec. 19th storm...I didn't even know it had gotten a name. Anyway, our latest edition striking Tuesday night and yesterday was Sn'overkill...doubt I will get any pictures of that today but maybe by tomorrow, I will have a few.

Also, I found out, courtesy of eckington...way better than spotsylvania blog, that some Eckington denizens constructed an igloo down off of Eckington Place and across from Sirius XM's offices. I will hope to check this out doesn't look like there will be too much melting today so hopefully it will still be around by then but you can check out EWBTS to see the pics. Now on to Snowmageddon pics:

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